Online dating in Rivne, Ukraine
Beauty is a hard work for every woman. This is the life time process, lots of changes, new minds and constant desire to be breathtaking. For me, this is not about the outer look which is definitely important. This is about the inner world which describes the way I am inside and out.😉
I cannot count how much of knowledge I have obtained about it. This is never enough to paint lips and wear a wonderful dress in order to be spectacular. The way I feel inside and how I treat myself as woman is worth of everything.😃
Therefore I care of my heath so much. I do sports regularly, I keep the right nutrition and always follow the impulses of my body. I have learned so much about woman’s psychology and keep learning it still.🙄
When I was a little girl, I was so shy and insecure and that was a big problem for me. I have come though many barriers in order to become for who I am today. I managed to enter university thanks to the very hard work. And now I am feeling happy to create a wide smile on people’s faces. Hopefully, you’re not afraid of dentists. Ha-ha))) 🤣
I’m excited to follow my life path with such strong values and confidence. So, please feel free to take my hand, hold my waist and continue this path together… ➡
I’m convinced that experienced and serious man who has inflamed passionate heart is going to be my soulmate.😛
I’m not afraid of challenges. And I see no issues about falling in love with man from abroad. You shall not worry about my age. I am not worried about age difference at all.
My inner world is mi of romance, sweetness, tenderness and femininity. I am missing the one who can love, unlimitedly. With me, you can be yourself and please, be so!😉
I wish to know you from inside and out. Once you ignite my eyes and make my heart beat faster, I will not let you go!😮ops:😁
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I am looking for true love based on feelings, not words!!!
_JUST_, 36 y/o |