Why Russian Women are Looking for Husbands Abroad

You have probably heard all the rumors about Russian women: they are beautiful, enjoy being wives to their husbands, are natural nurturing mothers, and are highly intelligent and resourceful. If this is all true, then why are Russian women looking for husbands abroad? Our first reaction is to think that Russia must be a terrible country with poor living standards and few opportunities. Under this theory, Russian girls are desperate to get out and will marry any man who has a foreign passport. Anyone with some basic knowledge about Russia will realize that this is not true. The reasons why so many women in Russian become mail order brides mostly has to do with social factors. In fact, most of these women would not leave their country if they saw a better choice.
Russian women photos
The first factor that leads to Russian women deciding on marriage abroad is a population discrepancy. There is a much higher number of women than men. The percentage of difference increases as the population ages, especially because Russian women outlive men on an average of 12 years. This is due to several factors but alcoholism plays an important part of it. What this population difference means is that Russian girls must be very competitive in order to find a good husband. They must always look their best and be more attractive and more intelligent than the other girls. As a result, many Russians marry young and the girls who waited (to pursue educations, for example) are left without any available men. Unfortunately, the men have taken advantage of their scarcity. They can get away with treating women disrespectfully and act like slobs and yet still find a good wife to marry. Because of the low death age of males, Russian women also have a lonely future to look forward to.
Instead of just accepting this fate, many Russian women are looking abroad for husbands. They find western men more sensitive and think they will make better husbands and fathers. With women in Russia, family is usually the first priority so these are the things they first consider when thinking about dating and marriage. You will notice that almost all applicants to Russian dating state their interest as “starting a family.” Even the most successful women in Russia are willing to give up their careers for family life in 90% of situations, even with the most successful career women. For the Russian woman, it isn’t too much to ask to also give up her country and style of life if that means her family will be happy and healthy.
Since Russian girls are normally very well educated, worldly, and family oriented, they make the perfect wife for a successful western man. Of course, if a Russian woman is expected to give up her life, she expects that her husband will be able to provide for her and her children. Marriage is a two-way partnership no matter what country you are from.